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MANSA 2024

Collaboration is a cornerstone of anyone’s professional journey, enabling one to contribute to and lead various academic and research initiatives. My work extends beyond individual projects, involving active participation in organising and supporting significant academic events such as CINI that is taking place in September 2024 in Bamako. These collaborative efforts reflect my commitment to advancing knowledge and surely improving myself and gain in experience while positively helping in making great events possible.

Secretary role at the 12th MANSA Conference

One of my key collaborative roles was serving as the Secretary for the 12th Mande Studies Association (MANSA) Conference. Held at the Institut des Sciences Humaines in Mali, this prestigious conference brought together scholars, researchers, and practitioners from around the world to engage in discussions on the decolonization of knowledge in West Africa. My responsibilities included managing the conference’s organizational aspects, coordinating with participants, overseeing the conference schedule, and ensuring smooth communication among all stakeholders.

Indeed, the role of the Secretary is crucial in the planning, organization, and successful execution of a conference. This position serves as the central hub for communication, coordination, and the administrative tasks required to bring together participants, speakers, and organizers smoothly. The responsibilities are diverse, encompassing a wide range of duties that ensure the conference runs efficiently. Here are some of the key responsibilities and roles undertaken during this period from August 2023 to August 2024:

Pre-conference planning

  • Coordination of submissions: The secretary oversees the call for papers or presentations, managing the submission process, which includes receiving, cataloging, and scheduling the review of abstracts or proposals.
  • Communication hub: acts as the main point of contact for participants, speakers, and committee members, answering inquiries and disseminating information regarding the conference program, sessions, and logistics.
  • Liaison with the committee: works closely with the conference organizing committee, ensuring that all members are informed of meetings, decisions, and tasks to be completed.

During the conference (in collaboration with Sub-Committees)

  • On-Site coordination: manages the on-site logistics, ensuring that sessions run smoothly and that all participants and speakers are where they need to be.
  • Session management: oversees the scheduling and organization of conference sessions, making sure that they start and end on time, and that all necessary resources are available.
  • Emergency point of contact: serves as the primary point of reference for any issues or emergencies that arise during the conference, resolving them efficiently to minimize disruptions.

Post-conference activities

  • Reporting: Prepares a comprehensive report summarizing the conference outcomes, attendance, feedback, and financial status.
  • Documentation and archiving: ensures that all conference materials, including presentations, documents, and recordings, are collected, documented, and archived for future reference or distribution.

This detailed account of the Secretary’s roles highlights the importance of the position in ensuring the seamless execution of a conference. Whether coordinating submissions, managing on-site logistics, or documenting outcomes, the Secretary plays a pivotal role in the success of academic and professional gatherings.

This experience not only enhanced my organizational and leadership skills but also deepened my understanding of the critical issues facing academia in the region. The conference provided a platform for interdisciplinary exchange, fostering new ideas and collaborations that continue to influence my work.

Get Involved

I am always open to exploring new collaborative opportunities that align with my research interests and expertise. Whether through joint research projects, conference organization, or academic consulting, I welcome the chance to work with like-minded professionals and institutions. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in collaborating on future initiatives.