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Basic concepts of PLS-SEM?

Understanding the basic concepts of structural equation modeling is essential before researchers use SEM-based software for analyses. Whether one has a good background in statistics or mathematics, it is preferable as a resea…

What is a Visual Abstract?

Graphical representations have been part of academia alongside scientific productions as far as our minds can go through time.

A practice that was not that noticed back the…

Podcast - Tech Talk Show @ MITWS India

Greetings guys, I trust you are doing well, yes? well it has been a while!

There is not much going on, I just wanted to let you know that I recently gave a talk on the onli…

Sondage – Orange Money

Vous residez à Bamako / Kati ou alentours et vous connaissez le service de Paiement mobile du réseau téléphonique Orange – Orange Money ??   Alors merci de prendre part à ce sondage en cliquant sur ce lien.. L’étude vise entre autres… Read More »Sondage – Orange Money