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m-Wallet in LMICs

A Stakeholder’s Analysis of the Effect of Mobile Money in Developing Countries: The Case of Orange Money in Mali (non-funded study)

Project description:

The M-Wallet project investigates the impact of mobile money services in developing countries, with a focus on understanding the diverse stakeholders involved in these systems. Specifically, this study examines Orange Money in Mali, providing a detailed analysis of the key players who influence and are affected by the adoption and use of mobile money services.

Understanding the stakeholders of mobile money services and systems in developing countries is critical for the successful implementation and scaling of these technologies. This study leverages the Stakeholder Theory, along with the Diffusion of Innovation Theory and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, to gather insights from 110 respondents in Mali. The research characterises the various stakeholders involved in the mobile money ecosystem, highlighting their unique drivers and challenges in adopting mobile money systems like Orange Money.

The findings reveal that each stakeholder group — ranging from users and financial institutions to mobile operators and regulators—has distinct motivations and obstacles that influence their engagement with mobile money. These insights underscore the importance of tailored strategies by mobile money operators to address the specific needs and concerns of each stakeholder group in order to foster broader adoption and effective use of mobile money services in developing countries.

Published research:

The results of this study have been published in a peer-reviewed chapter titled “A Stakeholder’s Analysis of the Effect of Mobile Money in Developing Countries: The Case of Orange Money in Mali,” available through IGI Global. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding mobile money adoption and provides actionable recommendations for stakeholders aiming to enhance financial inclusion and economic development in similar contexts.

Access the published paper: To explore the full study and its findings, you can read the publication here.

This project plays a crucial role in advancing the discourse on mobile money in developing countries, offering valuable insights that can inform future policies and practices aimed at optimizing the benefits of mobile financial services.