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CINi 2022 - Nianguiry KANTE International Conference 2022

Official website of the Colloquium

Nianguiry Kanté is no more. His memory remains alive, his work remains and all that he was able to give, found and transmit to the Malian and, in extenso, African and international scientific community, bears fruit.

Administrator engaged in the most delicate and necessary institutional operations (National Institute of Public Health Research, University of Segou) whether in Bamako or Segou, internationally renowned researcher, we saw him illustrate and defend, as the tireless pioneer that he was, research on Public Health, and encourage trans and interdisciplinary meetings.

The journal R.A.S.P. that he co-founded with his friend Olivier Douville in January 2010 in the company of renowned researchers both in Africa and in Europe is a reflection of the diversity and solidarity of his commitments and research. This beautiful journal always pleads, with a conviction that is matched only by its seriousness for a renewal of studies on health, illnesses both physical and mental, the conditions and institutions of care, the evolving representations of populations in relation to health, care, health emergencies. As a result, and faithfully linked to the deep convictions of Professor N. Kanté that the field has taught and strengthened, by its very requirement, in cutting-edge research in the multidisciplinary field of public health, this journal that would have been nothing without N. Kanté reflects in the clearest, truest and most promising way the pioneering and reasoned ambitions of its founder: to create around public health a whole network of partnerships and exchanges of ideas connecting medicine to the human sciences.

A seasoned trainer, always available and tirelessly enlightening, N. Kanté has left his mark on several generations of students who, for the most part, proved themselves. It is also to the demanding and caring teacher that this conference must pay tribute.

Whether in person or online, we bet that this conference will be a beautiful and deserved tribute to the just, courageous and upright man that N. Kanté was, to his work and to his intellectual posterity.

Official website of the Conference


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