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Class management ?

Class management is the process of creating and maintaining an environment in which students can learn effectively. It is as important as lecture preparations if not more. It involves setting clear expectations, establishing …

What is a Visual Abstract?

Graphical representations have been part of academia alongside scientific productions as far as our minds can go through time.

A practice that was not that noticed back the…

Experience and Poverty, by Walter Benjamin 1933

In our reading books there was the fable of the old man who on his deathbed makes his children believe that a treasure is hidden in his vineyard. They only have to look. The children dig, but there is no trace of treasure. When autumn comes, however, the vineyard yields like no other in the whole country.

Quoting in LaTeX

Quotation: What and why? For each writer or, in any case, serious author (i. e. bloggers, academicians, authors, etc.) it’s elementary to possess a decent quoting tool. A quoting tool permits to spotlight text in dedicated environments separated from standard… Read More »Quoting in LaTeX