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Boosting digital presence and open-source contributions for ISH

I just want to share some updates regarding the digital transformation efforts at the Institut des Sciences Humaines (ISH).

Recently, we secured a domain for the institute as a public service, thanks to the support from #AGETIC. This marks a key step in enhancing the professional infrastructure of ISH, starting with setting up proper institutional email addresses for colleagues. These emails will not only improve internal and external communication but also elevate the institute’s professional image in the academic world.

I’m also enjoying diving back into Jekyll site generation, working with Ruby and Markdown. This project involves creating a platform that will list all past and upcoming colloquia and conferences hosted at the institute. All the files and resources related to this project will be available under GNU terms. I still have to populate it but the structure and the page is up and running through As for the source code, you can check it out on this git repo . As I wanna keep it public, If you’d like to contribute to the repository on GitHub, follow these simple steps (assuming there may be some students reading me, so skip the next block if you are already familiar with git):

Fork the repo: click on the “Fork” button at the top right of the repository page. This makes a copy of the project under your account.

Clone the repo: download the project to your computer by running this command in your terminal:

git clone
cd events-ish

Create a new branch: create a new branch to work on:

git checkout -b your-branch-name

Make your changes: add your improvements, fix bugs, or make any changes you want.

Stage and commit: once you’re done, stage your changes and commit them:

git add .
git commit -m "Describe what you changed"

Push your changes: push the branch with your changes to GitHub:

git push origin your-branch-name

Create a pull request (PR): go to my original repository, and you should see a button to create a PR, click it, describe your changes, and submit the PR.

Wait for review: I will review your contribution, and if all looks good, your changes will be merged!

That said, these initiatives are side projects. My main focus is of course my research, teaching, coordinating colloquia (haha yes, it is in my skill sets armada nowadays), and writing grants 😉 As you can imagine, these responsibilities don’t leave me much time for this, but it’s something that must be done —there are so many aspects that need attention. It’s a balancing act, but one that I believe will pay off in terms of elevating ISH’s visibility and accessibility. In that sense, other public research institution might get inspired, replicate the projects freely, or whatever they like, you get the idea………….

While these projects take time, It’s a continuous process, and though I’ve just recently joined ISH, I’m committed to pushing it forward whenever I get the time.

Stay tuned for more updates on our progress!

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